You’ve probably seen these water blobs all over the internet lately! They are super easy to make and can keep the kids occupied for hours! You don’t need much to make them and what you do need is really inexpensive! Check it out!

What you’ll need:
- A roll of clear plastic sheeting (like you would use when you paint)
- Parchment paper (for baking)
- An iron
- Duct tape
- Optional: food dye, small toys
Let’s get DIYing!
- Lay out a large sheet of your plastic and then fold it over itself.
- Place you parchment paper underneath the edges all the way round and then fold it over the top of the edges also.
- Iron the top of your parchment paper all the way around. (If you want to get even more fun, place small toys inside before you completely seal it) - If you’re inside, take your plastic outside and lay it flat again.
- Cut a small slit in the plastic, just big enough for the end of your hose.
- Put in food dye now if you want.
- Begin filling your blob.
- Once full, take your hose out and quickly tape up your hole.
Now go have fun!!!