We love wine! And even more we love that we can make awesome crafts after drinking wine! This DIY wine cork rug is really cool and super simple! We love that this rug is super versatile and could literally be used in any room of your house or even outside.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 175 wine corks( plus or minus a few for mistakes). You can either drink a ton of wine or buy these online or even in your local craft store.
- Glue gun and glue sticks
- Rubber cabinet or drawer liner (non-adhesive)

You’ll also need some tools:
- Sharp knife
- Cutting board
- Scissors (or rotary cutter and mat)
- Ruler
- Coarse sand paper
Now let’s get started!
Cut your corks in half length wise. Use your sand paper to smooth the back after cutting if needed.
Arrange your corks into a rectangle. Use your ruler or cutting mat to make sure your edges are straight. The rug shown is 10 X 35 cork halves.

Cut your shelf liner to the same size s your cork rectangle.

Put your corks onto the outer edges of the shelf liner and glue them down.

Lay the rest of your corks into place.
Begin gluing the rest of your corks into place, one by one.

Now your done! Find a nice place for your rug and enjoy!

- If your’e going to use this rug in the bathroom, you should hang after use to let it dry out so it doesn’t get yucky.