Winter can be a tough season to get through. After the holidays, most people are over the cold weather and eagerly awaiting Spring’s arrival. Let’s just be honest, those gray skies and the lack of sun can be really depressing.
Here are a few tips and tricks to get through it:
- Make your bed everyday! Seriously, this can get you motivated to get up and start your day. Research has shown that people who get up and make their bed everyday are more productive and successful!
- Make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D! Since we are outside less in the cold weather and there is less sun this time of year, we tend to get less. You can supplement this by taking vitamin D everyday, or even just making the little change of buying Vitamin D enriched juices and milk. (Please don’t make dietary changes or take supplements without first consulting your doctor!)
- Make a schedule! Planning out your day can really keep you going and productive. If you work, then plan out your weekends. Just make sure you add some fun stuff in too.
- Make plans! Plan to get out of the house and do things throughout the week. This might mean after work, or on the weekends. Just plan to get out of the house and put it on your schedule, as mentioned above!
- Start something new! Take up a new craft or activity. This might men joining club, or finding something different to do one your own. Pinterest can give you some great ideas with this one! Maybe you want to learn to knit, or just read some new books. Immerse yourself in something once in awhile! Try these tips and before you know it, it will be Spring!
For more info check out this video: